Cohousing is an internationally proven collaborative housing model, with multiple private homes typically clustered around a shared space.
Each attached or individual family home has its own amenities, including a private kitchen, bathroom and living spaces.
Neigbours may choose to share some spaces (laundry, outdoor kitchen, guest room) and assets (tools, lawnmowers, vehicles).
Cohousing schemes are commonly operated as a private company of owners, cooperative, trust or strata. Residents can sell their shares at market value.

Our vision
Vibrant, resilient, sustainable
Our vision is an affordable yet sophisticated residential development.
Cohousing is a proven and well functioning housing typology, common in Europe and increasingly in Australia. Cohousing allows residents to enjoy a healthy balance between private and social life, while providing opportunities for substantial savings.
Drawing from both traditional models and contemporary knowledge, we aim to create beautiful homes for vibrant, multigenerational, environmentally minded communities.
Affordability is key to our vision. We believe it possible for our residents to attain home ownership for a fraction of the cost of a budget project home.